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Alter the Fabrics of Reality
Recording for FREE...
At this stage of the evolution game, we get we are the powerful creators of our reality… right??

Yet still at times we can find ourselves reacting to our physical world, instead of remembering that we created it 🤷🏼‍♀️

When we embody at the deepest level...

That we experience our physical reality not
 ‘AS IT IS’ but as ‘WHO WE ARE’ reflected back at us!!!!

We can catch any moment of misalignment in our creation and change it!

We have a full quantum infrastructure within us, filled with templates and codes of data.

Our quantum infrastructure has grids for all the templates and codes to be in and this is how we create our reality subconsciously.

For example, within us is a grid for abundance…

This grid holds ‘templates’ (programs) for how we perceive and co-create with all types of abundance.

The templates we hold will shape our reality.

One common money template amongst business owners is...

The “I Create Money” Template

This template is great as it has the beautiful person go after their dreams and create true value in the world and be rewarded for it.


If we have this template & subconsciously believe that in order to have money, we must create it,

That means we need to put out some form of energy to have it become real and present in our life... right?

We have to “create it”!!!

And if we don’t take the action to create it, we won’t have it or it may run out!!

There is a cause & effect at play creating rules for how money shows up.

This is ok as this still allows abundance to flow in, yet there is another template available…

The template of ‘money already exists & is my friend and loves to co-create with me’

With this template we can experience a reality where we always have money flowing in without a huge amount of effort, as the money is already created and in our life as a friend.

This does not mean we don’t create value in the world, it means our money flows regardless.

In one reality, money already exists and is our friend who loves to play with us ☺️☺️

And in the other reality, we need to create it from scratch so we can experience it.

Do you feel the difference between the 2 templates??

Can you see that they each create a very different earth to live on????

This is why it’s so important to remember how to re construct our subconscious/quantum infrastructure.

So we can transform our grids, templates & codes into their higher expression of love, freedom and abundance!

So we can continue to evolve and ascend into our 5D selves ☺️

Every time we upgrade our quantum infrastructure & change our frequency.
We shift into a new physical reality!

Some of these shifts happen for a moment in time, and then we go back to old versions of ourselves.

And that is because the quantum infrastructure was not fully transformed and the old structure was available to go back to.

Deep Inner grid work create shifts that are permanent, and the old versions of ourselves are no longer available!

Meaning that we close the access to the old grids for good, just like we have done all our lives to younger versions of self… we can not be our 5 year old self anymore 😉

This is very powerful work & I feel inspired to share a training and activation on this with the world ☺️


Because the more of us who consciously re-create our inner grid work to expand into more love & abundance.

The faster our shared reality on earth will shift into a version in earth that allows us to thrive and enjoy our lives beyond our imagining.

Please join me for this powerful channeled transmission receive these beautiful codes to support you with your evolution, ascension & soul mission:

In this online event we shall go deep on:
  • The quantum structure of our universe and how timelines and realities are created
  • Your personal quantum structure for creation around abundance & how to change it with greater precision 
  • Inner grid work codes and an activation to shift your current grid of abundance, into its next evolved expression and create a new reality 
  • ​Plus lots more...
This transmission is part of a beautiful program that I have the honour to deliver.

The program is called ‘Quantum Magic School!'

& it serves the souls who are here to evolve, ascend & change the world.

This transmission is for them as part of their pre work & I was guided to share it with ALL souls around the world who are ready to receive a full upgrade to how we all create reality!

So if you are ready to shift into a higher timeline of creation, abundance & a more graceful evolution, please join us in this beautiful conversation and receive these powerful grid work codes.

And for those who receive this free transmission & feel called to join Quantum Magic School, I will share a little about it all at the end of the transmission and how you can apply.

I am so excited to share this very powerful body of work & gift you these truly beautiful and Quantum Magic codes!!!

Choose 5D!!

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Alter the Fabrics of Reality
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Gaby Kowalski

New Earth Business, MultiDimensionality & Abundance -Coach/Guide/Channel

“We went deep within the quantum and worked with advanced star races and quantum technologies to be able to amplify our vortex and to connect at a higher level. This is totally my dice. I’m a quantum teacher after all.

To give you some comparison about before and after, before I was doing about 30K a year selling my online courses and working as a psychic healer.

Now, ten months after working with Gaby, I’m happy to say that I have earned slightly under 250K already.”

-Cendrine Sauvenier

Founder of Fractal Alchemy 5D Quantum University, Ascension and Mission Mentor and a Trance Channel to the Arcturians
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